Our Mission

The UCCS National Resilience Institute, the producer of this site, strives to improve human well-being by creating evidence-based interventions and services that empower individuals, families, and communities. We believe strongly in the incredible adaptive strength of people. Our vision at the UCCS NRI is to help people who experience disasters such as the covid-19 pandemic with a program that both motivates and empowers them to guide their own recovery.

The mission of the UCCS National Resilience Institute is to advance knowledge of human resilience by pursuing cross-disciplinary synergistic scientific exploration, innovative strength-based clinical care models, community education and training. The NRI is focused on the health and well-being of Veterans, military members, first responders, other trauma survivors, and their family members. Our goal is to transform care and change the scientific dialogue from one of illness and disability to one of strength and empowerment.

If you use this service and find that you are not improving or would rather see a professional mental health provider please contact Aspen Point at (719) 572-6100 or Toll Free (855) 277-3678 or the Veteran Health & Trauma Clinic for trauma focused care at 719-255-8003.